INTEDUs FindYourSchool - Detailansicht
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Nudgee International College Brisbane / Queensland / Australien |
Adresse: 2199 Sandgate Road Boondall Qld 4034 Internet: |
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis |
Fotogalerie: | |||||||||||||||||||
Ortsbeschreibung: Nudgee International College Nudgee International College (NIC), located in the capital of Queensland, is only a few short minutes from the Brisbane International Airport and 20 minutes from the centre of Brisbane, Queensland Australia | |||||||||||||||||||
Kurzvorstellung: Nudgee International College started in 1996 as an ELICOS preparation centre for St. JosephÂ’s Nudgee College. Since 1891 St. JosephÂ’s has been famous as a secondary boarding school for boys. NIC shares a beautiful 365 acre campus with the school and is a full service co-educational College for international students, acknowledged as being unequalled in quality and facilities. Now NIC offers an entire range of education products for boys and girls from primary school through to high school. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Angebotene Abschlüsse:
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Allgemeine Fächer:
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Künstlerische Fächer:
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Sportliches Angebot:
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Außerordentliche Fächer:
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Weitere Angebote: | |||||||||||||||||||
Nudgee International School o English Language -School of Excellence o Prestigious High Schools o Primary Schools o Study Tours o Sports & English Programs for groups NIC offers English language courses, organises accommodation and facilitates a seamless pathway from primary through to secondary and tertiary education. Upon successful completion of the school preparation program at NIC, students transfer to one of our prestigious partner schools. | |||||||||||||||||||
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis | |||||||||||||||||||
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