INTEDUs FindYourSchool - Detailansicht
In dieser Detailansicht erhalten Sie ausführlichere Informationen über die gewählte Schule. Haben Sie das Angebot studiert, kommen Sie über die entsprechenden Links entweder "Zurück zum Suchergebnis" oder Sie können "Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen".
ACG Parnell College Auckland / Parnell / Neuseeland |
Adresse: Box 6199, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1036, New Zealand Internet: |
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis |
Fotogalerie: | |||||||||||||||||||
Ortsbeschreibung: From 2007, the College will be renamed, expanded and developed into ACG Parnell College, offering a comprehensive high school education (Years 7 to 13) in central Auckland. The current buildings will be retained and a new 10,000 square metre building will be situated in Titoki St., across the the road from the current College premises. It lies adjacent to one of the cityÂ’s finest open spaces, The Auckland Domain. Sports facilities, such as Gym and Pool and the Parnell Tennis Club are close. | |||||||||||||||||||
Kurzvorstellung: Located in the inner-city suburb of Parnell in Auckland, ACG Parnell College is currently a junior high school for students in Years 7 to 10 (ages 11 to 15). The curriculum is broad-based to ensure that students develop diverse skills that will enable them to take a range of subjects at senior levels. A high emphasis is placed on the acquisition of good literacy and numeracy skills. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Angebotene Abschlüsse:
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Allgemeine Fächer:
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Künstlerische Fächer:
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Sportliches Angebot:
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Außerordentliche Fächer:
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Weitere Angebote: | |||||||||||||||||||
Key Features: • Students work a longer school day (8:30am to 4:45pm) • Longer lessons (each lesson is 70 to 85 minutes long) • Smaller classes (an average class size of 20) • A personal tutor system All students are challenged to set goals for themselves and the teachers work with each student to achieve success. Each term an Achievement Conference Day is held when students meet individually with their tutors to evaluate achievements and set new goals. | |||||||||||||||||||
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis | |||||||||||||||||||
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