INTEDUs FindYourSchool - Detailansicht
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St Michael's Collegiate School Hobart / Tasmania / Australien |
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Adresse: St Michael's Collegiate School 218 Macquarie Street HOBART TASMANIA AUSTRALIA 7000 Internet: ![]() |
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis |
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Ortsbeschreibung: St Michael's Collegiate School consists of five campuses. The main campus, senior school, is within two blocks of the movie theatres, city centre, waterfront of Hobart, cafes, shops and so on. The School's Boarding House is located on the main campus. The Sports Campus is a short ride away, and Collegiate is also only 5 minutes from our brother school, the Hutchins School for boys. Our Equestrian Centre is at the base of Mount Wellington and spans 300 acres with additional Mountain trails. | |||||||||||||||||||
Kurzvorstellung: Established in 1892, St Michael's Collegiate School is a leading Academic and Performing Arts school and is in the top 10% of schools across Australia. A number of past students have received a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University in England. Recently two teachers of the school (out of only 32 awarded Australia-wide) received National Excellence in Teaching Awards. Tasmania is one of the safest and cleanest cities in Australia and the state has 80% wilderness area which is easily accesible. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Angebotene Abschlüsse:
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Allgemeine Fächer:
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Künstlerische Fächer:
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Sportliches Angebot:
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Außerordentliche Fächer:
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Weitere Angebote: | |||||||||||||||||||
Collegiate (girls) and Hutchins (boys) Schools are brother/sister schools within 5 minutes distance from each other. During Years 11 and 12 we combine the two schools curriculums. Therefore Years 11 and 12 have some co-ed classes. For example: A girl wants to take Design in Wood and a boy wants to do Hospitality. Each school shares their facilities - doubling the opportunities. All students are transported back and forth between schools by the school buses. It's great! | |||||||||||||||||||
Behördliche Registrierungsnummer: | |||||||||||||||||||
00482K | |||||||||||||||||||
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis | |||||||||||||||||||
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