INTEDUs FindYourSchool - Detailansicht
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Pembroke School Adelaide / South Australia / Australien |
Adresse: 342 The Parade Kensington Park South Australia 5068 Internet: ![]() |
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis |
Ortsbeschreibung: Pembroke School is located 5km East of the City of Adelaide, South Australia, and has easy access to the city via public transport. Situated in a family residential suburb, the School is set on 52 acres of magnificent grounds. Pembroke School is equipped with modern, well appointed buildings and facilities. The School's facilities also include a dedicated outdoor education property(sailing,kayaking,rock climbing, orienteering, camping)located 50km south of Adelaide on the Finniss River. | |||||||||||||||||||
Kurzvorstellung: Pembroke School was established in 1974 following the amalgamation of King's College (for boys) and Girton Girls' School. Including the days of Kings' and Girton the School has been enrolling international students for over 50 years. Today we welcome approximately 45 international students from China, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Angebotene Abschlüsse:
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Allgemeine Fächer:
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Künstlerische Fächer:
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Sportliches Angebot:
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Außerordentliche Fächer:
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Weitere Angebote: | |||||||||||||||||||
Pembroke School also ffers a range of extra-curricular service, cultural, outdoor and adventure trips including: Snow Skiing, IB Samoa (CAS); Surfing Safari (including surfing school); Outback expeditions (e.g. camel treks in desert areas); Coastal sailing expeditions; Language and cultural tours to China, France and Spain; Expeditions to the Himalayas and Africa | |||||||||||||||||||
Weiterführende Links: --> Informationen anfordern und Kontakt aufnehmen --> Zurück zum Privatschulen-Verzeichnis | |||||||||||||||||||
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