INTEDUs FindYourSchool - Detailansicht
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Hutchins School Hobart / Tasmania / Australien |
Adresse: The Hutchins School 71 Nelson Road SANDY BAY Tasmania Australia 7005 Internet: |
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Ortsbeschreibung: Hutchins is located in the attractive garden suburb of Sandy Bay - just a few minutes from the centre of Hobart - Tasmania's capital city. The Hobart airport is approximately 20 km from the School. The Sandy Bay campus is the third location Hutchins has occupied in its 160-year history. The School overlooks the magnificent Derwent River - the location for rowing and sailing training - and Mt Wellington provides a scenic backdrop. | |||||||||||||||||||
Kurzvorstellung: Hutchins was established in 1846 and has provided an outstanding education to boys of all levels of ability and from many countries for 160 years. It is a boys' school and specialises in the education of boys. Hutchins is a member of the International Coalition of Boys' Schools and the Principal is a member of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia. Hutchins has a strong outreach program of exchanges, GAP years and study tours abroad. | |||||||||||||||||||
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Angebotene Abschlüsse:
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Allgemeine Fächer:
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Künstlerische Fächer:
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Sportliches Angebot:
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Außerordentliche Fächer:
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Weitere Angebote: | |||||||||||||||||||
Hutchins offers a wide range of academic, sporting and cultural opportunities. It seeks to develop a well-rounded student, one who is able to think, plan and decide for himself, and one who has a good sense of moral and social values. In Year 11 and 12, Hutchins works closely with two nearby girls' schools. Most classes at this level are co-educational. Sport, music, drama and outdoor education are important aspects of life at Hutchins. | |||||||||||||||||||
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